Lingo Industrial Electronics specializes in the sales, distribution and customer advice of Traffic Signals, Street Lighting products and related accessories.
Request BidEstablished in 1969 and located in Pasadena, California, Lingo Industrial Electronics can address all products designed for traffic and street intersections.

Commited to Quality
Lingo is staffed by motivated and knowledgeable people that possess over 38 years of Industrial Electronic experience. We identify our customers’ needs and expectations, and strive to continually exceed them.
Registered in California as a certified SB #7708

Why Lingo?
- Performance so our customers keep coming back.
- Competitive pricing.
- High quality products.
- Best possible lead times
- Unmatched customer service.

Related Products
Lingo offers a wide variety of products made in the USA. Accessories include precision sun wear for outdoor activity and worker sun eye protection from ultraviolet light.
Unique to the industry, we also offer artificial grass and turf for complete area restoration and improvement.